Welcome to Azeroth Times
My name is Brendan :) As your blog host, I will be providing you all advice and info on Blizzard's top hit World of Warcraft. I will cover many aspects of the game including, basic class functionality, PvP and PvE tips, addon reviews, news, updates, leveling guides, professions and raid/dungeon information. I will be keeping you up to date on the latest builds of classes and basic class use. With the upcoming World of Warcraft : Wrath of the Lich King expansion release I will reviewing and showing you all the features brought in the new expansion pack.
Currently, I reside on the Stormscale server, playing as an undead mage. Our guild "Nakama" - meaning comrades is a leveling guild at the moment, soon moving on to Kara once geared and classed.
I hope you enjoy
I am looking forward to feedback